Who We Are

The Hong Kong University Philharmonic Orchestra (previously Union Philharmonic Orchestra, HKUSU) was founded in 1999 by a group of devoted students of the University of Hong Kong. As a member of the Cultural Association of HKU, the Orchestra is non-profit-making and administered by students. The Orchestra aims at promoting orchestral playing and developing students' interest in western music. At the same time, the Orchestra strives to develop an atmosphere of music appreciation within the University and throughout the community-at-large.

What We Do

The Annual Performance in November and the Spring Concert in April have evolved into yearly traditions for the Orchestra. We also perform in events organised by the Centre of Development and Resources for Students,the Development and Alumni Affairs Office and other faculties, departments and societies within the University. Furthermore, the Orchestra has been invited by organisations such as the Agricultural and Fisheries Department, the Leo's Club and the Hong Kong Children and Youth Service to perform in various community functions.

Annual Performance 2023

Join us on an amazing musical journey as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the University Philharmonic Orchestra with our Annual Performance held this November! You can look forward to the mesmerizing concertos prepared by our outstanding soloists, and the majestic Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 5 performed by our orchestra.

Date: 14 November 2023 (Tue)
Time: 20:00
Venue: Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, The University of Hong Kong
Price: $240 (120) / $200 (100) *
* Concessionary tickets are available for full-time students, senior citizens aged 65 or above, people with disability and their minders

Should you have any enquiries, please contact us at 96628217 (Wally Kwok), 92434026 (Jason Tang), or via email at orchestra@hku.hk.

HKGNA Music Festival 2023

HK Phil Concertmaster Jing Wang takes us on a passionate journey with Piazzolla's "Spring", while Viola Principal Andrew Ling takes the stage with moving renditions of Schindler's List theme music and Morricone's Nuovo Cinema Paradiso. And don't miss our conductor Lorenzo Iosco, showcasing his artistry on clarinet in this breathtaking piece! Prepare to be captivated by the soul-stirring voice of Mezzo-soprano Ashley Chui, as she transports us with famous tunes from Mozart and Rossini's operas.

Date: 22 November 2023 (Wed)
Time: 19:30
Venue: Loke Yew Hall, The University of Hong Kong